Harriet Martineau
Harriet Martineau (Norwich , 15 dë stèmber 1802 – Ambleside , 27 magg 1876) a l’é stàita na filòsofa, scritriss e giornalista anglèisa .
Fija 'd Thomas, n'industrial dël téssil e d'Elizabeth Rankin, a l'ha arseivù na bon-a preparassion peui, dël 1829, a l'é vnùa giornalista al Monthly Repository.
Harriet Martineau a l'é avosà për esse stàita na feminista e për avèj studià la democrassia, dzortut cola djë Stat Unì .
Illustrations of taxation ; 5 volum; Charles Fox, 1834
Illustrations of Political Economy ; 9 volum; Charles Fox, 1834
Miscellanies ; 2 volum; Hilliard, Gray and Co., 1836
Society in America ; 3 volum; Saunders and Otley, 1837; (torna publicà da la Cambridge University Press , 2009; Internet Archive
Retrospect of Western Travel ; Saunders and Otley, 1838, (Project Gutenberg Volume 1 , Volume 2 )
How to Observe Morals and Manners ; Charles Knight and Co, 1838; Google Books , Project Gutenberg
Deerbrook ; Londra, 1839; Project Gutenberg
The Hour and the Man: An Historical Romance , 1839, Project Gutenberg
The Playfellow (ch'a comprend The Settlers at Home , The Peasant and the Prince , Feats on the Fiord e The Crofton Boys ); Charles Knight, 1841
Life in the Sickroom , 1844
The Billow and the Rock , 1846
Household Education , 1848, Project Gutenberg
Eastern Life. Present and Past ; 3 volum; Edward Moxon, 1848
The History of the Thirty Years' Peace, A.D. 1816–1846 (1849)
Feats on the Fiord. A Tale of Norway ; Routledge, Warne, & Routledge, 1865, Project Gutenberg
Harriet Martineau's Autobiography. With Memorials by Maria Weston Chapman ; 2 volum; Smith, Elder & Co, 1877; Liberty Fund .
A Complete Guide to the English Lakes ; John Garnett 1855 e d'àutre edission
Atkinson, H.G. & Martineau, H.; Letters on the Laws of Man's Nature and Development ; Chapman, 1851 (ristampa dla Cambridge University Press , 2009;)
Comte, A; Martineau, H. (tr.); The Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte ; 2 volum; Chapman, 1853 (ristampa dla Cambridge University Press , 2009;)